Introspectively Retrospect

What a year its been, having its own shares of highs and lows, plusses and minuses, hits and misses, hellos and farewells. On a personal note, 2006 brought its share of enthusiasms and tribulations. I became a degree wiser, moved north east, working harder and enjoying it. Though the year started off on the wrong foot, things transitioned to a smoother directive and I hope its stays that way.

In retrospect, time exudes change, which keeps you going. Over the years, change has shaped my perception, thoughts and action. Change brings realization, which provides suitable experience for further change and the cycle goes on.2006 has been one such year and I hope the following years would be the same too.

Over the last year, I have made concious efforts to reconnect with people who matter the most and continue to do so. It may not be for knowing what their weekend plans are, but for consistent support, apprisal, opinions and criticism. At the same time, I require and respect my space and know that others do too. I have realised that keeping the final goal in sight, and savoring the steps towards it makes it worth the effort. Perfection isnt the zenith, striving towards it is. In addition, I have reaffirmed the importance of concurrent opinions in any relationship.

I have realized the importance of adequate rest.I have caught up on a lot of reading and honing my writing skills. I have walked miles and reaping the benefits of fitness and good health. I've volunteered and will continue doing so. I picked up my tennis from where it was and taking it further. I am meeting enterprising people by the day and seeking inspiration. Lifes looking up.

This year, I want to strike a more definitive balance betweeen liking what you do and doing what you like. I want to be a little more cynical,detached, practical, focused, diligent and smarter. My confidence, sense of humor, motivation and spirit is getting the much needed tinkering. Looks like I want a lot..true and I am working my ass off towards getting it. Did I forget to mention I turn 25 this year?

An awesome year ahead and pray everyone makes the most of it.

1 comment:

priti said...

Hey is a good thing to go over the happenings of the previous year in a way you realize a lot of things that can be improved on and made still better....BTW this post has a label name same as that of my ex-blog's name..coincidence huh..... :)