Riddle Me This

Would you do something for the thrill of doing it?

Would you be someone for the heck of being like them?

Why are we the way we are?

How will we be if we were someone else?

What will we think?
What will we do?

Given a choice, Will we be who want to be or will we be who we are?

Will our perceptions be different from theirs?

What makes us think like this? success? failures? relationships? boredom? focus?

Turn the Page

What defines a good writer?

I must confess that I have never been a voracious reader of "books" in the classic sense. I read a lot but my gamut of literature encompasses a wide spectrum of text beyond prose and poetry in the literary sense. I see friends and family who swear by books and are notorious in their copious reading habits, bringing me to my next question, does reading complement good writing or good writing skills promote more consistent reading habits?

I believe it is a little bit of both. To me, writing is a recollection of ideas, perception and views of the individual.One's writing style can be influenced by the works and the authors they read but I cannot say the same about what they would want to write about. Its about finding a niche. If you cannot find one, you need to create one. However, I have always felt that I am more diverse in my reading ever since I started writing. One thing I aspire to do is be more consistent in writing. Also, one needs to believe that they can live up to their expectation of good work.

I say keep reading. I have rediscovered the hidden pleasures of great books and I am smacking my lips in page turning glee.