Day two. 7 ladies and 3 men. Madge asks me if I can live up to their expectations. I answer by sprinting across Canal street, crossing the heavy bus traffic at Haymarket onto the parks at the North end of Boston. John makes us warm up here, combining stretches with calisthenics. We butt kick, high knee, squat and hop up and down the length of the park on a frigid day as the sun goes down. A quick sprint to the Christopher Columbus waterfront park near the long wharf and we line up, blissfully unaware of what the day is in store.
John sets 4 posts of varying distances and makes us do sprint bursts, meaning that we need to extend our sprint by each pole for every lap. This is repeated thrice, followed by crawls, frog jumps and squat jumps.
6:20-6:40 PM:
John instructs us to run along the length of commercial street by the waterside, three quarters of a mile later, we pull up by the Langone Park baseball field. On the field, we perform a circuit of dips, pushups, leg raises and stationary squats. Across the street, John instructs us to run up and down the flight of stairs five times. The cold bites and we are drained.
6: 40-7:00 PM:
We run around commercial street to hit Snow Hill road. Three laps up and down the hill and we then continue jogging back to Causeway street passing by the Zakim and the Charlestown bridge on my right. The end is near in sight, only after another circuit back at the base of the bootcamp incorporating some core strengthening techniques.
so..? how does it feel to be fit?! ;) isn't a workout better in the cold? I always thought warm weather makes you tired sooner :)
Haha..:) Fitness is a lifestyle choice, its good to work towards achieving my goals.
Boston cold is painful..:)and when it rains, it just gets worse. Nevertheless its been good so far.
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