
What drives you?

I have woken up a lot of mornings with this persistence in my head,spent hours trying to find the easy way out, but of no avail. For a period of time, there were only questions, no answers. When I get up tomorrow, the familiar feeling will be back, but I hope to salvage some pride.

The ball is in your court. Tell me what drives you.


dya said...

not surprised at all at this question! Tried to find answers too..My "driver" has been the idea of the idyllic life after that age "x", where x= the age when I make enough money to last an idyllic life. And inspired by the movie, I do have a bucket list of things to do,before I kick that bucket! Also, life ain't work; work ain't life. Remember?

dya said...

not surprised at all at this question! Tried to find answers too..My "driver" has been the idea of the idyllic life after that age "x", where x= the age when I make enough money to last an idyllic life. And inspired by the movie, I do have a bucket list of things to do,before I kick that bucket! Also, life ain't work; work ain't life. Remember?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....Well, my "driver" keeps on changing from time to time!!:-) or it has been so thus far... But this is something to chew on I think "As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death" Your personal definition of what could be catagorised as "well spent" and "well used" - they aould be the "drivers".

Hoping it makes some sense!!!If not just look at the smiley and grin :)

Here's wishing you more driven days and a well driven life!