As I See

As I scroll down the last umpteen scribes, I sadly feel that there isn't one thats a Pat-on-the-back Worthy to me. A long time ago, I started putting finger to keyboard to create this blogosphere with a certain inclination in mind, and of late I have been feeling that I may have strayed away. I do not know whether this is contributive to my lack of motivation, imagination and effort. I do not even know whether if its a lame excuse that I have come up with, to be lazy, the sheer paucity of good prose being indicative.

Unfortunately, I love this space and a little pang of self-doubt wouldn't halter our combined growth. I am going to get a bit of fumigation done and weed out some avoidable publications and place them in lesser frequented haunts. I hope this would motivate me to write further and enjoy doing it. I am sure it will be a lot of fun on either side of the script. The end is nowhere in sight.

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Mundanely (a)mused said...

fumigation- interesting choice of words!heh heh! You are a biologist of sorts, aren't you?

Well, one will never find one's own work pat-on-the-back worthy. Like Pahmuk said- you write because there is this dying urge inside you to, not to prove your literary genius :) Or is that my refuge? :|

Unknown said...

I agree with the both of you..:)

however, there have been a couple of bricks on the wall that left behind a sour taste. Remnants of half hearted efforts that did not deserve time, effort and space.

getting them off here = getting them off my head..:)

and thats what I did..:)